International Journal of Marine Science, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 60 doi: 10.5376/ijms.2014.04.0060
Received: 25 Jul., 2014 Accepted: 05 Sep., 2014 Published: 24 Oct., 2014
Yan T., Guo Y.S., Wang Z.D., Liu L., and Liu C.W., 2014, Genetic diversity of GIFT tilapia populations by AFLP analysis, International Journal of Marine Science, 4(60): 1-6 (doi: 10.5376/ijms.2014.04.0060)
The experiment was conducted to assess the genetic diversity of genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) in order to evaluate and preserve this strain as a germplasm resource. The experiment study focused on the genetic diversity of the newly bred F16 population of GIFT tilapia obtained from Guanghui Farm Limited Company, Huazhou (Guangdong, China) was analyzed using AFLP. 187 bands were detected with 5 pairs of AFLP primers (E-AGG/M-CTT, E-AGG/M-CTG, E-AAC/M-CAG, E-ACA/M-CTG, E-ACA/M-CAG) based on 27 individuals, and among them 163 (87.17%) were polymorphic with an average of 32.6 bands for per AFLP primer. Average Nei’s gene diversity was 0.288,6, average Shannon’s information index was 0.433,9. These results showed that the experiment group deposit had rich genetic diversity and maintained a high genetic heterozygosity, had further breeding and development value.
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. Tao Yan

. Yusong Guo

. Zhongduo Wang

. Li Liu

. Chuwu Liu

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. GIFT tilapia


. Genetic diversity

. Proportion of polymorphic loci

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